Peaceful Passing for Pets is currently establishing partnerships with veterinarians and clinics in St. Paul/Minneapolis greater metropolitan area to provide home hospice services.
Peaceful Passing for Pets will work in partnership with the each clinic to assure that everything necessary is provided seamlessly including:
- A prompt referral process
- Initial and ongoing Care Coordinator visits
- Regular communication between Peaceful Passing for Pets and the veterinarian
- Development of a Plan of Care for pet and family
- Documentation of the pet and family’s care
- Coordination of the multidisciplinary team
- Grief follow-up
Contact Us if you are interested in partnership with Peaceful Passing for Pets.
Quality of Life Assessment Tools/Scales
How Do I Know When it’s Time? Assessing Quality of Life for Your Companion Animal and Making End-of-Life Decisions – Ohio State University
“Lap of Love” Pet Quality of Life Scale and Daily Diary – Dani McVety, DVM and Mary Gardner, DVM
“Lap of Love” Pet Quality of Life Scale – Dani McVety, DVM
“J-O-U-R-N-E-Y-S: A Quality of Life Scale for Pets – Katie Hilst, DVM
Hospice Professional Organizations
American Association of Human-Animal Bond Veterinarians
American Veterinary Medical Association
Colorado State University Pet Hospice Program
International Association of Animal Hospice and Palliative Care
Support For Veterinary Professionals
Helping Clients with Grief – Compassionate Communication
Argus Institute at Colorado State University
Many veterinary professionals are in crisis. NOMV provides the necessary support to all members of veterinary teams and students who are struggling
NOMV Waiting Room Poster
Hospice and Palliative Care for Companion Animals: Principles and Practice
by Amir Shanan (Editor), Tamara Shearer (Editor), Jessica Pierce (Editor)
2016 AAHA/IAAHPC End-of-Life Care Guidelines
Gail Bishop, BS, Kathleen Cooney, DVM, Shea Cox, DVM, Robin Downing, DVM, DAAPM, DACVSMR, CVPP, CCRP, Kathy Mitchener,DVM,Amir Shanan,DVM Nancy Soares, VMD, Brenda Stevens, DVM, DABVP (canine/feline), Tammy Wynn, MHA, LISW, RVT
Guidelines for Recommended Practices in Animal Hospice and Palliative Care
Amir Shanan, DVM. Task Force Chair. Illinois, USA
Kris August, DVM. Iowa, USA
Kathy Cooney, DVM, MS. Colorado, USA
Lynn Hendrix, DVM. California, USA
Bonnie Mader, MS. California, USA
Jessica Pierce, PhD, MTS. Colorado, USA
Contact Us
For further information on Peaceful Passing for Pets and request materials for your clinic or practice, contact us directly.
Available Now A Caregiver’s Guide to Pet Hospice Care is a resource guide designed with the caregiver in mind to help pet owners and family provide comfort care to pets that have a terminal diagnosis. The focus is on preventing suffering of the pet and empowering the pet owner as they provide care… More about the Book >