kevin brittingham net worth

Each part of the description could go in a corresponding column and be searchable. BARNES BULLETS Remingtonand in particular Shaublegot caught, Schauble because he got greedy and wanted to own AAC, notwithstanding the deal he had cut with kevin. Kevin Brittingham founded Advanced Armament Corp, which became one of the biggest silencer manufacturers in the world. Back in the early 1900s, 1930 or so I believe, a law was passed creating the class 2 and 3 NFA tax stamp nonsense. I see a few things in your writeup that seem incorrect. Jason Schauble didnt see this as problematic, so long as Kevin maintained proper control and dominion over the guns as per ATF regulations and federal law. But the fear of regulation in the aftermath spurred gun hoarding, and this was good for Cerberus. The consumer market for silencers was growing, particularly in the competitive-target-shooting community. At court, it came out that the only person on Remingtons side who could sign the employment agreements and make them valid never did. Problem is, its state law where we live that this practice is 100% illegal, and the AG even sent letters out to remind companies of this. Ive skipped over a lot of detail. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. By focusing on the military market, and especially special ops, you can translate that to the commercial market, Brittingham said. The owner was having some cash flow issues, so he sold controlling interest to larger company. . Kevin never signed the new agreement, and Freedom Group should have known better than to consider the word flounder as Kevins official signature on an important document. My takeaway from this is theres a market for an independent consulting/auditing group that specializes in NFA compliance for small firearms businesses. Also, thismove will get Bob on board and de-risk this business. There's Robby Johnson as overall VP, Ethan Lessard to VP of Engineering . Mr. Brittinghams mistake was doing business with jerks. Dang Go Kevin, I might use the word flounder if I am ever asked to sign something I do not agree with. MPW (Multi-Purpose Weapon), a rifle chambered in .300 AAC Blackout, made with 16" and 12.5" barrels. His goals this time aren't acquisition as the measure of success. Can you name a bullshit free marketer who opposes the sanctity of private contracts?. When the company grows beyond a certain point, the owner/founder should have someone to handle the legal stuff. REMINGTON 1816, Theres a hard product version of Conways law: Any software system reflects the organization that created it. (There are variations on the exact quote. Feinberg was saved by Obama. . My what a tangled web we weave. Indeed, it seems the more powerful the system, the more coverage and leeway for jerks. Kevin and his buddies and his wife who built AA are good guys. Of course, it had wanted to do that all along. Tracking the name, title, department, location(s) etc of some 5000+ people is certainly larger in scope than a collection of even several hundred firearms and accessories. While the guns were being sorted, a hand written list of which guns were under whose ownership was compiled. The issue is that under the original employment agreement, Kevin needed to be issued a written warning and be given an opportunity to fix the problem (over a period of 30 days). Despite repeated requests, he was never given a reason for his suspension or the results of an external investigation into the issue. What the ATF requires can be handled in a separate file. If you guys aren't aware, Kevin Brittingham from Q has a podcast. Case in point, the described photo shoot where non-owners of the items had access and moved them around to where other non-owners had access without the knowledge of the supposed owner. #123456abc Scary Black Rifle Industries. REALLY? View the profiles of people named Kevin Brittingham. Kevin wanted silencers to be mainstream, and getting Remington to start marketing silencers would be a major step forward. By 2009, both companies were in financial peril. Even though KB owned the company, his employees and the company werent him legally for purposes of the ATF. Great googly moogly I dont think even the most gossip-skilled teenager girl could follow that mess! Ill spare you the details (it gets pretty dry), but here are the judges own words on the compliance officer: [The compliance officer] was never intended to be a compliance person at best, he was unqualified to ensure appropriate compliance; at worst, he was sent to AAC to find a basis to terminate Brittingham. Its true, although a lot of companies do it. The president surprised and angered some Democrats by declining to veto a GOP effort to block a D.C. bill. Forbes magazine estimates it at $1.2 billion; office gossip at Cerberus puts it closer to $3 billion. But revenue remains soft in a market still saturated by the assault-rifle-buying frenzy of 2013, and Remington, in a tacit acknowledgment of its critics, has abandoned the kind of combat-oriented marketing imagery that so excited its customers. This contract was procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce and Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division. Jason wanted AAC to be treated like another plant, like Remington or Marlin or Bushmaster, with Remington HQ as the head of operations. Despite his success with Freedom Group, 2008 was a bad year for Feinberg. On November 16th 2011, Jason Schauble was plotting Kevins final demise. Remington could have gotten exactly what they wanted if they had just been patient. By 2009, it looked like a recruiting poster for Delta Force. Plays Incompetent Willy Wonka at CPAC. 1. . That marketing was the focus of the lawsuit brought against Remington by the victims of Sandy Hook. . The issue that keeps most people like me out of that market is the paperwork compliance. Who was buying them? Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commission. That is, if it hasnt already. It makes no sense. Plenty of viable (and more desirable) alternatives to give my hard earned money to. Biden Dares Republicans to Go After Obamacare and Medicaid. They dont know what theyre talking about, and the only thing theyre interested in is making money for themselves. He immediately started segregating the guns and, with some help, forming a pile that were not able to be positively identified as AAC property. The buyout was doomed from the beginning. I have been working on a few designs and would not even need $50,000 to get a working product. Yep. The Key Moments From Alex Murdaughs Testimony and Murder Trial. The courts didnt buy the argument, and last month, the judge in the case dismissed the lawsuit. In Tennessee, Even Abortion to Save a Womans Life May Be Illegal. Yet it may not be a loss for the left. Shall not be infringed seems pretty straight forward from a pro-2a standpoint. Password must be at least 8 characters and contain: As part of your account, youll receive occasional updates and offers from New York, which you can opt out of anytime. PLCAA granted gunmakers broad immunity from lawsuits from victims of gun violence. A persistent rumor, circulated by email in 2011, alleged that Freedom Group was actually controlled by George Soros: One of the most evil men on this planet who wants to restrict or ban all civilian guns. The rumor was only debunked after the NRA released a statement to its members: NRA has had contact with officials [of] Cerberus and Freedom Group for some time. Thats TEN MILLION DOLLARS. Freedom Group and Remington had conspired to find a way to fire Kevin in order to save $4 to $8 million that he was due as performance incentives and pay.. This will cost money. For now, that waste is buried in Steve Feinbergs yard. However, even if they came out with a longer barreled version to make it Canada compliant I would not buy it now knowing what FGI has done. See ya! Kevin Brittingham founded AAC, and his success was due in part to the culture that the company cultivated. Brinkmann, 64, is the founder, owner, and CEO of the Brinkmann Corporation, maker of outdoor grills, flashlights, and too many other consumer and industrial products to name here. Feinberg has said these are exaggerations. I own some. Youre dumb, because Im not talking about Remington and I indicated it was a tangent for a reason. Idiots. I used to sell THOUSANDS of computers and somehow we managed to keep track of each and every machine, what it had installed, every card and all the associated history, even what location at the customer it was in. Sales of the R-15 boomed. Technically as soon as the company was sold they needed to start operating under a new FFL, since they had only purchased the assets and not the business itself. What set the expert shooter apart was the ability to read the wind. Freedom Group marketed its firearms not just as guns but as shooting platforms: modular, lethal Lego sets whose component parts could be updated for years after the initial purchase. He does YouTube reviews where your product is guaranteed an awesome review. He's a lawyer and civil rights/gun activist. For what the business needs for basic internal control a simple word document would work. Jason wanted AAC to be treated like another plant, like Remington or Marlin or Bushmaster, with Remington HQ as the head of operations. The final court decision has been issued in the case of Kevin Brittinghams lawsuit against Freedom Group and Remington over his sudden firing a couple years back, and its a way better read than I expected. Kevin Brittingham founded Advanced Armament Corporation in 1994 to manufacture sound suppressors, having previously been a distributor for GEMTECH, another suppressor manufacturer. Nowhere is the lab-leak debate more personal than among the experts investigating the origins of COVID. I dont think so, but its your sandbox, so your call.). Its not clear whether Remington and Freedom Group realized that Kevin hadnt signed the document or if Kevin had tried to dupe them but either way he came back to work, accepted the lower pay, and kept right on trucking. A Whistleblowers Claims About a St. Louis Transgender Center Are Under Fire. Kevin Brittingham is a rebel in an industry that is increasingly corporate in nature. I would have been more comfortable with the people. Thats possible, but the kinds of connections you needed to persuade the Feds to bail out your bad auto-industry bet for $30 billion were more readily available to graduates of Princeton than UC-Irvine. Too much can go wrong and stuff can just end up walking out of the door. Despite these connections, Feinberg regarded himself as a regular guy. He interviews some pretty major players in the industry. Theyre too busy grabbing ankle for and asking favors from political types with D as the first letter of their party affiliation. Based in Windham, Maine, Bushmaster had, over the course of 30 years, grown from a tiny gun-parts manufacturer into the preferred firearm of the high-capacity target shooter. Or, perhaps more subtly, for anything that pays out later, you either have enforcement costs, or you better design things so everybody benefits together. Its nice to see the innovator and underdog in the market smack the big lazy dog that was trying some underhanded crap. That warning never took place, and no time was given. What this meant was that there was and is a finite pool of class 3 weapons available for civilian ownershipa pool that continues to shrink in quantity and grow in value. So, getting the NFA repealed looks simple on paper, but is in reality a direct challenge to a lot of established law, regulation, and cultural acceptance. This guy couldnt keep track of a couple of hundred suppressors and his personal guns? Theyre great for urban encroachment, said the companys founder, Kevin Brittingham. So even if Kevin had signed, Remington never did. When Adam Lanza shot his mother, Nancy, in her sleep on the morning of December 14, 2012, he used one of her bolt-action rifles, a Savage Mark II. Yeah, sure. 1. Then he shot himself in the head. Surveys estimated that somewhere between 20 and 30 percent of Americans owned guns, but usually just one or two. Some pretty flagrant violations of contract there Kinda puts me off of getting anything from Remington or any FGI owned company for that matter. Besides, the 300 BLK Handi Rifle is listed on AACs website, not Remingtons, and not even on H&Rs. Another option would have been to sell off the most controversial product lines, like Bushmaster, but the centralization of manufacturing made that impossible, too. The owners and investors involved are strong supporters of the Second Amendment and are avid hunters and shooters. Two years later, three Freedom Group executives gave a million dollars each to the NRA. Fortunately for him, at least there was one thing that always, infallibly, drove gun sales through the ceiling: a mass shooting. If only I were qualified and had the money/contacts to form such a company. The next year was even worse. MOUNTAIN KHAKIS By the end of the year, Remington Outdoors annual sales had finally passed its billion-dollar target. A number of customers sued the manufacturer, claiming their guns had gone off without the trigger being pulled, prompting a class-action lawsuit. They didnt care about any of that.. And, Remington brand or not, a semi-automatic assault rifle is not an appropriate choice for a first gun, or even a second. The military-proven guns offered the buyer vicarious status as an operator, although Cerberus understood well that few of its customers actually had combat experience. This demographic was key to Cerberuss success. If it hadnt been for the unconstitutional gun control insanity, none of this would ever have come up. Cerberus continued without him. During this time, as court documents showed, Kevin had succeeded in pissing off Freedom Group to the extent that they were actively looking for a reason to fire him. I never mentioned Remington, ING did. The opposite of equitable rule of law could be an oligarcy, feudalism, corporatocracy, or any various flavors of totalitarian collectivism littered throughout history where the law, such that it is, is used to bludgeon the little people and potential competitors, but passes are handed out like candy on Halloween for the properly connected and/or titled (ahem Obamacare ahem). Oh, and one more thingy. Kevin Brittingham doesn't mess around, announcing a 1 March launch of his new brand. I think you [Scott Blackstone, Freedom Group] and I should seriously consider a Plan B for this business. Juan and his family collected $270 million before taxes. Owning a gun business doesnt just affect ones reputation it also affects ones ability to own other, less controversial businesses. Meanwhile, with elementary schools across the country now forced to conduct active shooter drills, the California teachers were demanding out. His name is Kevin Brittingham, the "people's CEO." Brittingham is a name you should know. Just read your analysis and also read the decision. But here are the cliff notes: Due to these decisions, the judge ruled that Kevin had been terminated without cause and was due every cent of the damages that he demanded: somewhere around $14 million plus lawyer fees and interest. Good read though. Like concealed carry laws that followed, they were supposedly never intended to be applied to John q publicjust the bad element. Tier 1 Group was profitable, but its sales maxed out at around $15 million annually a fraction of a percent of Cerberuss total business. The city threw out a Democratic mayor for the first time in decades. Silencers turn shooting more into golf.. You\'ll receive the next newsletter in your inbox. I think I will avoid both people and their companies and products. Through one subsidiary, it ran the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikiki. It is important to note that neither the compliance officer nor any of the AAC staff assisting with the segregation process knew about the terms of the sale, specifically which guns of Kevins became the property of the new AAC. Can you name a bullshit free marketer who opposes the sanctity of private contracts? Perhaps no single person benefited more from the automotive-industry bailout than Stephen Feinberg, who, in all other respects, was a conservative. Libertarian Humor: Sure there are downsides to unions (some more than others); but my vacation, pension, retirement, health, etc accounts are all in my name and cannot be touched or withheld by anyone, and are not dependent on the further health and good management of any employer or even the union (with the exception of my pension account, which is only part of my retirement and one which I am not going to rely on having in 30 years). The issue is that what constitutes infringement has been warped and watered down for decades. I really wanted some stuff from AAC. I hope Remington and Marlin excuse themselves from the toxic environment of FGI, and Im glad that Kevin is free.

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