As with human hospice, pet hospice provides quality, compassionate care for pets facing an end-of-life diagnosis.
Hospice care involves a coordinated team approach providing expert medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support tailored specifically to the needs of the pet and the wishes of the pet family. Central to pet hospice care is the belief that our pets have the right to die pain-free and with dignity, and that those who love them will receive the necessary psychosocial and spiritual support.
This coordination of care continues throughout the care of the pet and continues with grief support following the passing of the pet.
A Hospice Plan of Care is an individualized plan based on a comprehensive assessment of the pet patient and the family members by the Veterinarian and the multidisciplinary team. Care planning occurs as the members of the interdisciplinary team (Veterinarian, Care Coordinator, Social Worker, Chaplain, Therapists and Volunteers) share the findings of their discipline-specific assessments of the patient and family needs.
The perspectives of the disciplines that make up the hospice team and the individualized pet/family needs combine to create a framework for the Hospice Plan of Care (POC). The blending of these assessments into one cohesive plan for the care of the terminally ill pet and family is the essence of hospice care planning. The uniqueness of this approach to care planning has been part of the hospice movement from its beginning.
Dr. Linda Harper, a clinical psychologist who has talked with thousands of loving grieving human companions over the years in her practice states, “I am a big believer in the gifts of end of life and hospice that allows each being to find their own gifts. Having support makes all the difference! In turn, a good, peaceful end of life experience affects everything –how owners feel about themselves, their pet, their veterinarian team, deciding to love again, and even their view of death. It affects the quality of lives for both humans and animals.”
The question then is how does a pet owner find pet hospice service for their terminal pet? The pet hospice movement is emerging and, despite the increasing number of practices, most of the public is confused about what they do, how to find them and how of assess their quality. Your veterinarian is always your first resource. Ask if he/she provides hospice care or can refer you to someone who does. If your veterinarian does not provide hospice care and is not aware of one in your community, review the resources provided on Peaceful Passing for Pets website or Google “pet home hospice care” in your area. Be sure to read the customer satisfaction reviews.
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